Alchemist as a Dragonfly
Acrylic on Canvas
4 x 4 x 0.375 Framed - 2 x 2 Image
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Acrylic on Canvas
4 x 4 x 0.375 Framed - 2 x 2 Image
Complimentary Shipping in Continental USA
Acrylic on Canvas
4 x 4 x 0.375 Framed - 2 x 2 Image
Complimentary Shipping in Continental USA
The dragonfly is a symbol for pure water. Water is sacred and used in ceremonial rituals across many belief systems, most often as a purification. You will see the dragonfly appearing in my work in decades past, present, and future. The dragonfly reminds me to be the person I aspire to me. It would be a lot easier to attain if I wasn’t left unsupervised.